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West Town Ukrainian Village staircase ceiling drywall water damage repair

Windy City Painters Staircase Drywall Repair in West Town Chicago

Windy City Painters, the best Chicago contractor for drywall repair and painters, has renovated more than a 20-foot tall ceiling on a stairwell. This involved all-over repairs made to an unprimed yellowed drywall ceiling with much damage and was achieved in only one day.

Building Supports for Tall Ladders

Since the ceiling was high and hard to reach, the team first built custom supports for the tall ladders. It is done in a manner that provides stability and safety to the workers and allows them access to the ceiling without any risk of falling or further damage.

Remove damaged drywall  and tapes

Next, the team tore out the broken drywall and the worn-out tape. Specialized tools were put to work to cut out the damaged section precisely, in preparation for new drywall installation.

Oil Based Primer Apply

The exposed surfaces were then coated with oil-based primer, which was a crucial step in sealing and preparing the old, yellowed ceiling. This provided better adhesion for the new drywall and made sure no staining would come through from below.

Installing New Drywall

A new piece of drywall was then cut to fill in the areas where sections were removed. It was mounted to the ceiling with screws and the edges were placed flush with the existing ceiling.

Taping and Patching

The high-quality paper drywall tape was applied over the joints, and afterward, the tape was patched with a joint compound. There is more than one layer of compound, which is then sanded to get a perfectly smooth surface. Painting It had a fresh new look after a white ceiling paint high in quality was then used on this staircase ceiling. The edge work was careful, and multiple coats were applied for even coverage and a consistent finish. From this beat-up and stained ceiling to a brilliantly restored a brilliant white ceiling, Windy City Painters complete this in one day. A professional approach to work  makes Windy City Painters the best business in Chicago performing drywall repair and painting work.
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2101 W Rice St, Chicago IL 60622
Call us and get a free quote773-818-6331