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Guide: Painting walls and ceilings

Purchases prior to painting Before you start shopping for repair , let’s make a […]

Painting high humid areas, bathrooms

Humid areas are those in which the walls, floor and ceiling periodically are exposed […]

Painting kids room

Pink for girls and blue for boys – so we usually think when planning […]

How to decorate, paint the walls in Chicago

Are you going to  renovate your place soon ? Or maybe you have purchased […]

Ceilings painting

To paint the ceilings we should use flat products which limit the phenomenon of […]

Beyond the color

Character of the interior, we can build not only by the selection of the […]

Creating the interior climate

Depending on the composition of colors in each room we can create various moods. […]

Modeling the rooms with the colors

Another equally important factor to keep in mind when choosing colors is volume and […]

Creating room space with colors

Thanks to the different properties of warm and cold colors , we can not […]